An open-source library for reduced-density matrix-based analysis and computation
How to Install

The configuration, generation, build, installation, packaging and deployment phases of the OpenRDM project are managed by the CMake build system generator. CMake provides a great amount of control over the fine-tuning of various (optional) capabilities available in the project at the target level. In this way, users can benefit from extensibility and portability of the code yet easily be able to recast it towards their needs.

For the sake of user's convenience, we have provided a configure script in the source directory reflecting the aforementioned phases to highlight the available options provided with the users in order to add/remove various components and dependencies to the OpenRDM project.

In case any of the mandatory dependencies such as armadillo linear algebra package could not be found by OpenRDM, it fetches it from the corresponding host website and builds it as an external project on the host disk.

By default, OpenRDM builds and installs itself internally within the build/ folder at its source root directory. Feel free to install it at any other location on your system by adding

1 ...
2 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/your/new/installation/address"
3 ...

to the configure script in the root directory of the OpenRDM project.